Broccoli Sesame and Peanut Chutney
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What you’ll need:
- Sesame Seeds – 1/4 cup
- Peanuts – 1/4 cup
- Broccoli (cut up roughly into chunks – florets, stalk and all) – 2 cups
- Curry Leaves – 2 sprigs
- Green or Red Chilies to taste
- Salt to taste
- Lemon juice – 1 to 2 tbsp
1. Dry roast the Peanuts and Sesame Seeds.
2. Steam Broccoli.
3. Add the cooked broccoli, roasted sesame seeds and peanuts, curry leaves, chilies, salt and lemon juice into a blender and grind. Enjoy the chutney!
I usually make a large batch and freeze in small containers to use with different dishes as needed.