Moms are very special!
I faced many adversities in life even at a young age. But I faced each one head on, took them as a challenge and survived. I made a good life for myself and learned to be self reliant.
I thank my mom and dad for giving me the strong foundation, to make the right choices, to have the strength, the will, and to not give up, even when they were not around.
But then I felt my independence melting and I slowly started living for someone else, two actually. It initially made me very nervous, but soon I was taking pleasure in living to see the things that my babies do.
I love every bit of being a mom! It has challenged me and expanded my limits even more than I knew possible. Its brought so much joy and I’ve felt so blessed that it has scared me.
Playing with them, becoming a child among them, doing “projects” as they call it, cooking with them, growing with them, worrying about them, guiding them, teaching them right from wrong, being there for them, catching them when they fall, cheering for them, and absorbing their innocence, are what I get most pleasure from now. Those little hugs and kisses and expressions to say how much they love me, is so overwhelming!
I no longer live for myself, but for the two most important people in my life. I want to be in their lives for a long time to come.
My time with my mom was too short and I’ve missed out on so much. I’ve missed coming home to her from school, having her braid my hair, doing crafts with her, being around her in the kitchen, i’ve missed being mischievous and care free while seeing her strong and helpful to anyone whom she came across. She was strict yet caring. I’ve missed showing her my little ones whom she would have loved and cared for beyond imagination.
Mother’s day is special and mothers are important.
I love the cute cards, crafts, flowers, breakfasts in bed, hugs and kisses.. that my kids make for me to express how much they love me.
And I thank my mom for the mother she was to me, and for inspiring me both by her presence and lack of it, to be the mother I am today.