Renewed life for used bits of crayons
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With two 3 year olds at home, we have plenty of broken bits of crayons lying around. We do have our kids use them for coloring, instead of handing out a new one everytime one breaks. But I thought of doing something more fun to give these broken bits a new life.
I had the kids separate the ones which had no wrapper on them – there were several that the kids had already peeled.
Next I gave them the star shaped silicone molds I had, and asked them to sort the crayons by color.
I put these in the oven to melt for about 10 mins – at 275 deg Farenheit and then took them out to cool.
(They can also be microwaved – takes approximately 5 mins. Keep checking every minute).
They popped out of the mold after cooling and were ready for coloring again!
Kids were confused initially, thinking I was making cup cakes with crayons. And then when it melted, they thought I had made jello! Later they were super excited to see and use the new star shaped crayons. There was even some crying and fighting about who gets to use it first!
Update: We’ve been making fun shaped crayons ever since and have even used them as Valentine’s treats at school.