Mini Pumpkin stuffed with Peas and Peppers Pulao!

I made these for Thanksgiving Dinner one year and it was a hit! I was planning on making Peas and Peppers Pulao as part of the dinner and as I had the pumpkins, figured why not use them to serve in! Ofcourse, you can serve Quinoa or any of your favorite dish stuffed in these. Makes a wonderful Vegetarian dinner option.


1. Cut the tops off of the pumpkins and clean inside. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Close top.
2. Brush all over with a tablespoon of oil.
3. Preheat oven to 350 deg and roast for 1hr. (Check at 30 mins and periodically after that. Time might vary based on size of pumpkin you are using).
4. Take out the pumpkins and fill with pulao stuffing and put back in oven for another 30 min or until pumpkin is tender (pierce a fork)
Enjoy!! The pumkin pulp went very well with the Pulao and tasted yummy!

