Wild Kratts 7th Birthday
My twin boys have been huge fans of Wild Kratts for a few years now. They love Chris and Martin and watching their show! When I was discussing about the theme for their birthday this year, both picked Wild Kratts. And it also happens that there is a Wild Kratts live show happening in our city this month and we had already bought the tickets weeks before (shh… its a secret birthday gift for the kids!!). So there is still a bit of excitement to be had.
Usually we have the party at home. But this time we decided to have it at Alum Rock Park where we very often go for hiking and biking and playing. So, we reserved a nice large woody and secluded picnic area with the creek behind, that our guests really loved. Many were surprised that although they live nearby they had not known about this place.
We put a lot of balloons all around the picnic area and on tables. There were two more bags in addition to what my friend is holding in the pic 🙂
We had a custom Wild Kratts banner made for the kids, which they loved. It gave a camp feel to the picnic area.
We had printed out several “Creature Power Discs” and put them in frames. On the back side I had put fun facts about each animal.
I had also made these “twine wrapped beer bottles” and in them put these paper flowers I had made.
Pine cones were put inside the red lanterns I already had. Zebra balloons were tied to them.
All of these items (red lantern with zebra balloon, frames with creature power discs and animal facts and the twine wrapped bottles with paper flowers) went on the picnic tables as decoration.
As an activity for kids, I had made this “Wild Kratts Nature Scavenger Hunt” and we stapled them to brown bags. Each kid got one as they came to the party and got busy looking for items. They had a lot of fun. Some items were to be picked and put in the bag while some (like bird, cloud, etc that they couldnt pick) they had to find and show one of us. The kids found that some items were tricky to find 🙂
As another fun project, I had made this Birthday Board which had the kids names made with string art, HAPPY BIRTHDAY creature power discs and Wild Kratts pictures.
And I also made this Wild Kratts banner.
We ordered the two birthday cakes from the bakery. One was with a Wild Kratts image and I placed the Wild Kratts Peregrine Falcon and Martin figures on it for my boy who loves them both.
For the other I ordered something that had green outdoors theme and used the Wild Kratts figures and Chris in his jeep. The Wild Kratts toys were kid’s birthday gifts.
Oh yeah, also made the Creature Power Disc Names of both kids to go on the cakes!
Kids had also been asking for the Wild Kratts suits, so we got those for their birthday. They’ve been wearing them almost everyday and ofcourse at the party!
There was a lot of food!! All homemade, we put together a vegetarian chipotle buffet. It was a huge hit!
We had Tortilla, Tomato Rice, Cilantro Lime Rice, Tofu Sofritas, Black Beans, Salad, Fresh Corn, Guacamole, Sour Cream, Cheese, Fruits Salad!
We decided to keep the appetizers very simple. Just a few munchies –
Cheetah Snack – Cheddar Puffed Corn
Baked Caterpillars – Green Pea Crisps
Veggie Stick Insects – Veggie Sticks
Elephant Ear Chips – Tortilla Chips with Nacho Cheese and Salsa
I made these Wild Kratts Food Tags and we had fun coming up with the names 🙂
We made bags of jungle trail mix which included “Pretzels, Gummy Bears, Animal Crackers, Raisins, Roasted Peanuts, Chocolate Chex Cereal”. These goodies were given to all the kids along with a “Creature Power Disc Cookie”. I custom ordered sugar cookies from the bakery and iced them myself. Kids loved these!
And for return gifts, this time I bought lunch boxes for all kids. They were a bit on the expensive side, but I wanted to give something functional and useful.
The birthday boys got theirs too and have been using for their school lunches.
They are also enjoying reading the animal fun facts over and over at the dining table 🙂
All in all it was an awesome Wild Kratts party! Lots of fun had by kids and adults.
I had a lot of fun planning and making all the decorations! The only disappointment I have after almost every party is of not taking any pictures during the party. I have very few, and many of these pictures of decorations were taken later at home. This is something that’s on the very top of my priorities to fix for the next one!!